
VPK Module

  1. BAMF Extra Materials
    Contains various additional dev materials for use in blocking out a new project. Contributed by Aulli. BAMF Extra Materials
  2. BAMF FGD Assets
    Entity icons, better player spawn models. Based on work by Da Spud Lord, which is based on work by ficool2, which is based on work by A Boojum Snark. Additional work by Tumby. BAMF FGD Assets
  3. BAMF Material Tag and Preview Overhaul
    Vast overhaul of stock material tags, material blend previews, water previews. Based on work by A Boojum Snark. Water previews and documentation contributed by Tumby. BAMF Water Material Previews BAMF Material Blend Previews
  4. BAMF Surfaceprops May cause issues, temporarily removed

FGD Module

  1. tf-brokk
    The most complete and thorough FGD currently available for TF2. Hundreds of hours went into this. Documents and explains almost any entity that exists in TF2's Source Engine branch and some that don't. Adds a myriad of previously undocumented entities, as well as completely new or widely expanded descriptions, keyvalues, display changes, and icons for all of TF2's entities. Features some customization options as well as some other unique features. Based on work by A Spud Lord and others. BAMF FGD in Hammer
  2. hammerplusplus_sequences
    Adds RadShadowMan support into Hammer++ from the get-go.

Prefab Module

    Features a large amount of ready-made prefabs to be used during alpha development of your map. Soundscapes, pickups, common gameplay and map elements, logic, lighting, and more. Some prefabs may have usage instructions inside the "comment" box in one of the entity windows. All misc prefabs lovingly stolen from Valve maps or recreated as generic versions.
    Based on work by A Boojum Snark and various other contributors. Various Prefabs

Game Mode Module

    (Almost) complete pack of prefabs used in official TF2 maps. Versus Saxton Hale, Zombie Invasion not included, as they are owned by their respective creators. Full list here.
    Contributed by Lacry. Payload Prefab (Lil' Chew Chew Edition)

VMF Module

  1. Decompiled Valve Maps
    Contains decompiled versions of all Valve-made and Valve-owned maps shipped in TF2, decompiled with the latest version of bspsrc. Note that the decompile process is inherently flawed since some information is lost when a map is compiled. You are unlikely to be able to immediately compile these maps and expect them to work perfectly. Things like areaportals and certain entities will likely be missing or set up wrong. All of these maps will require some work to be perfectly playable.
  2. Source SDK 2013 VMFs
    Contains Valve-published VMFs of certain TF2 maps, as found in the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer. Note that these VMFs, while higher quality than the decompiled versions, may be slightly out of date.
  3. Community Map VMFs
    Select VMFs of community-owned maps shipped in TF2 whose creators volunteered to contribute to this pack.
  4. Bonus: artpass_valvebase
    The original whitebox released by Valve for the first TF2Maps Artpass Contest. This map eventually made it into the game in the form of Mountainlab and Mann Manor. artpass_valvebase


  1. Compile Config: BAMF TF2 Super Duper
    Compiles a map “with all bells and whistles”. May take a while, depending on your computer. Features an additional VRAD step for HDR to evade memory issues.
  2. Improved CompilePal Error Analysis
    By default, CompilePal uses the error finder and analysis from Interlopers.net - which is passable, but has also not been maintained in a long time. This one adds more information and solutions and rephrases existing content to be more easily understandable.
    TBD - Compile Config: RadShadowMan
    TBD - Compile Config: Valve Defaults
    TBD - Compile Config: Debugging

Additional Compile Tools

  1. RadShadowMan
    Automatically creates a .rad file to force texture shadows on props. Works as a precompiler, so run as a step before your normal compile. Instructions on usage here.